About me

I am a Ph.D. student at UT Austin, advised by Prof. Qixing Huang and Prof. Georgios Pavlakos. I received a M.S. in CS from UCSD in 2021, advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang.

I work on 3D Vision, including topics of reconstruction, pose estimation, learning correspondences and interactions. My goal is producing scalable and generalizable methods for accurate world understanding.


University of Texas, Austin
Aug. 2021 -
Ph.D. in Computer Science
University of California, San Diego
Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2021
M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
Wuhan University
Sep. 2015 - Jun. 2019
B.E. in Measure & Control Technology

Intern Experience

Adobe Research
2024, Research Intern
Mentor: Hao Tan
Google Research
2023, Student Researcher
Hosts: Arjun Karpur, Andre Araujo
Wormpex AI Research
Summer 2021, Research Intern
Mentors: Zhou Ren, Haoxiang Li, Gang Hua



I have two lovely cats Luca and Soda. I am also an amateur Chinese Calligrapher, my previous undergrad graduation exhibition (2019, in Chinese) is here. I love table tennis, with rating ~1800.